Trends in Technology #6: Twitter

Lately, Twitter has taken on a new meaning in my life. I tweet what goes on in my high school science classroom. I tweet reminders about club meetings. I retweet interesting science information from people and organizations I follow to use as a kickstart to classroom discussions in my Earth Science class. Twitter is a representation of my professional life. It allows me to follow a variety of people, organizations, professionals, and groups without being bogged down by lots of personal information.
Twitter is unlike other social media platforms in that it shares information instantly with thousands of followers. There are no frills, no extras - just up-to-the-minute information about things you want to know about. Twitter is being used by schools, districts, students, teachers, and parents to inform and stay informed.

I personally like Twitter for the connections I've made with educational professionals the last several years. I've been able to expand my understanding of educational technology, grow as a science educator, and increase my global awareness and appreciation of science.

I also like Twitter for the #hashtags. Hashtags act like filters to siphon the extra stuff and help find you the information you need. If I want to search #STEM, I might find tweets about educators who are implementing STEM lessons in their classrooms. If I search #eclipse, I might read about all kinds of eclipse stories from the August 2017 event or #CaliforniaWildfires from the December 2017 outbreak.

I wasn't instantly won over by Twitter when I first got started. My advice is to get yourself a Twitter handle - that's tech talk for a Twitter identification - and start exploring. Follow some groups, organizations, or people that know their stuff. Retweet a few stories that you like and want others to see and know about. When you're ready you'll know when to tweet your first time. Plus, you shouldn't feel compelled to check it everyday like other social media platforms. Twitter is there when you need it!

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